Abstract State Machines, B and Z [electronic resource] : First International Conference, ABZ 2008, London, UK, September 16-18, 2008. Proceedings / edited by Egon Börger, Michael Butler, Jonathan P. Bowen, Paul Boca.
Contributor(s): Börger, Egon [editor.]
| Butler, Michael [editor.]
| Bowen, Jonathan P [editor.]
| Boca, Paul [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

1. ABZ Invited Talks -- Complex Hardware Modules Can Now be Made Free of Functional Errors without Sacrificing Productivity -- The High Road to Formal Validation: -- Modeling Workflows, Interaction Patterns, Web Services and Business Processes: The ASM-Based Approach -- Refinement of State-Based Systems: ASMs and Big Commuting Diagrams (Abstract) -- 2. ASM Papers -- Model Based Refinement and the Tools of Tomorrow -- A Concept-Driven Construction of the Mondex Protocol Using Three Refinements -- A Scenario-Based Validation Language for ASMs -- Data Flow Analysis and Testing of Abstract State Machines -- A Verified AsmL Implementation of Belief Revision -- Direct Support for Model Checking Abstract State Machines by Utilizing Simulation -- 3. B Papers -- On the Purpose of Event-B Proof Obligations -- Generating Tests from B Specifications and Test Purposes -- Combining Scenario- and Model-Based Testing to Ensure POSIX Compliance -- UseCase-Wise Development: Retrenchment for Event-B -- Towards Modelling Obligations in Event-B -- A Practical Single Refinement Method for B -- The Composition of Event-B Models -- Reconciling Axiomatic and Model-Based Specifications Reprised -- A Verifiable Conformance Relationship between Smart Card Applets and B Security Models -- Modelling Attacker's Knowledge for Cascade Cryptographic Protocols -- Using EventB to Create a Virtual Machine Instruction Set Architecture -- 4. Z Papers -- Z2SAL - Building a Model Checker for Z -- Formal Modeling and Analysis of a Flash Filesystem in Alloy -- Unit Testing of Z Specifications -- Autonomous Objects and Bottom-Up Composition in ZOO Applied to a Case Study of Biological Reactivity -- 5. ABZ Short Papers -- Integrating Z into Large Projects Tools and Techniques -- A First Attempt to Express KAOS Refinement Patterns with EventB -- Verification and Validation of Web Service Composition Using Event B Method -- Stability of Real-Time Abstract State Machines under Desynchronization -- XML Database Transformations with Tree Updates -- Dynamic Resource Configuration & Management for Distributed Information Fusion in Maritime Surveillance -- UML-B: A Plug-in for the Event-B Tool Set -- BART: A Tool for Automatic Refinement -- Model Checking Event-B by Encoding into Alloy -- A Roadmap for the Rodin Toolset -- Exploiting the ASM Method for Validation & Verification of Embedded Systems -- Tool Support for the Circus Refinement Calculus -- Separation of Z Operations -- BSmart: A Tool for the Development of Java Card Applications with the B Method -- From ABZ to Cryptography -- Using ASM to Achieve Executability within a Family of DSL -- Using Satisfiability Modulo Theories to Analyze Abstract State Machines (Abstract) -- Formal Verification of ASM Models Using TLA?+? -- DIR 41 Case Study -- FDIR Architectures for Autonomous Spacecraft: Specification and Assessment with Event-B -- Object Modelling in the SystemB Industrial Project -- 6. VSR Day -- Splitting Atoms with Rely/Guarantee Conditions Coupled with Data Reification -- ABZ2008 VSR-Net Workshop.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference of Abstract State Machines, B and Z, ABZ 2008, held in London, UK, in September 2008. The conference simultaneously incorporated the 15th International ASM Workshop, the 17th International Conference of Z Users and the 8th International Conference on the B Method. The 44 revised full papers presented together with 4 invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The conference fosters the cross-fertilization of three rigorous methods for the design and analysis of hardware and software systems - both in academia and industry - namely Abstract State Machines, B, and Z. Covering a wide range of research spanning from theoretical and methodological foundations to tool support and practical applications, the contributions are organized in topical sections on abstract state machines, B papers, Z papers, ABZ short papers, and the papers of the Verified Software Repository Network (VSR-net) workshop.
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