Programming Multi-Agent-Systems 4th International Workshop, ProMAS 2006, Hakodate, Japan, May 9, 2006, Revised and Invited Papers / [electronic resource] : edited by R.H. Bordini, M. Dastani, J. Dix, A El Fallah Seghrouchni. - 1st ed. 2007. - XIV, 250 p. online resource. - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4411 2945-9141 ; . - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4411 .

Invited Papers -- A Self-healing Approach to Designing and Deploying Complex, Distributed and Concurrent Software Systems -- Using Peer-to-Peer Protocols to Enable Implicit Communication in a BDI Agent Architecture -- I -- Asimovian Multiagents: Applying Laws of Robotics to Teams of Humans and Agents -- Persistent Architecture for Context Aware Lightweight Multi-agent System -- Architectural Design of Component-Based Agents: A Behavior-Based Approach -- II -- Comparing Apples with Oranges: Evaluating Twelve Paradigms of Agency -- Augmenting BDI Agents with Deliberative Planning Techniques -- ALBA: A Generic Library for Programming Mobile Agents with Prolog -- Bridging Agent Theory and Object Orientation: Agent-Like Communication Among Objects -- Adding Knowledge Updates to 3APL -- III -- Validation of BDI Agents -- A Tool Architecture to Verify Properties of Multiagent System at Runtime -- On the Application of Clustering Techniques to Support Debugging Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems -- Debugging Agents in Agent Factory.


10.1007/978-3-540-71956-4 doi

Software engineering.
Artificial intelligence.
Computer networks .
Computer science.
Compilers (Computer programs).
Software Engineering.
Artificial Intelligence.
Computer Communication Networks.
Computer Science Logic and Foundations of Programming.
Compilers and Interpreters.

