Deep Structure, Singularities, and Computer Vision First International Workshop, DSSCV 2005, Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 9-10, 2005, Revised Selected Papers / [electronic resource] : edited by Ole Fogh Olsen, Luc Florack, Arjan Kuijper. - 1st ed. 2005. - X, 259 p. online resource. - Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics, 3753 3004-9954 ; . - Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics, 3753 .

Oral Presentations -- Blurred Correlation Versus Correlation Blur -- A Scale Invariant Covariance Structure on Jet Space -- Essential Loops and Their Relevance for Skeletons and Symmetry Sets -- Pre-symmetry Sets of 3D Shapes -- Deep Structure of Images in Populations Via Geometric Models in Populations -- Estimating the Statistics of Multi-object Anatomic Geometry Using Inter-object Relationships -- Histogram Statistics of Local Model-Relative Image Regions -- The Bessel Scale-Space -- Linear Image Reconstruction from a Sparse Set of ?-Scale Space Features by Means of Inner Products of Sobolev Type -- A Riemannian Framework for the Processing of Tensor-Valued Images -- From Stochastic Completion Fields to Tensor Voting -- Deep Structure from a Geometric Point of View -- Maximum Likely Scale Estimation -- Adaptive Trees and Pose Identification from External Contours of Polyhedra -- Poster Presentations -- Exploiting Deep Structure -- Scale-Space Hierarchy of Singularities -- Computing 3D Symmetry Sets; A Case Study -- Irradiation Orientation from Obliquely Viewed Texture -- Using Top-Points as Interest Points for Image Matching -- Transitions of Multi-scale Singularity Trees -- A Comparison of the Deep Structure of ?-Scale Spaces -- A Note on Local Morse Theory in Scale Space and Gaussian Deformations.


10.1007/11577812 doi

Computer vision.
Image processing--Digital techniques.
Artificial intelligence.
Computer graphics.
Pattern recognition systems.
Computer Vision.
Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics.
Artificial Intelligence.
Computer Graphics.
Automated Pattern Recognition.

