Volakis, John Leonidas, 1956-

Finite element method electromagnetics : antennas, microwave circuits, and scattering applications / J. Volakis, A. Chatterjee, L. Kempel. - 1 PDF (368 pages). - IEEE Press series on electromagnetic wave theory ; 6 . - IEEE Press series on electromagnetic wave theory ; 6 .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Preface. Acknowledgments. Fundamental Concepts. Shape Functions for Scalar and Vector Finite Elements. Overview of the Finite Element Method: One-Dimensional Examples. Two-Dimensional Applications. Three-Dimensional Problems: Closed Domain. Three-Dimensional Problems: Radiation and Scattering. Three-Dimensional FE-BI Method. Fast Integral Methods (S. Bindiganavale and J.L. Volakis). Numerical Issues. Index. About the Authors.

Restricted to subscribers or individual electronic text purchasers.

Employed in a large number of commercial electromagnetic simulation packages, the finite element method is one of the most popular and well-established numerical techniques in engineering. This book covers the theory, development, implementation, and application of the finite element method and its hybrid versions to electromagnetics. FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR ELECTROMAGNETICS begins with a step-by-step textbook presentation of the finite method and its variations then goes on to provide up-to-date coverage of three dimensional formulations and modern applications to open and closed domain problems. Worked out examples are included to aid the reader with the fine features of the method and the implementation of its hybridization with other techniques for a robust simulation of large scale radiation and scattering. The crucial treatment of local boundary conditions is carefully worked out in several stages in the book. Sponsored by: IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Mode of access: World Wide Web


10.1109/9780470544655 doi

Finite element method.
Engineering mathematics.

Electronic books.

TA347.F5 / V653 1998eb
