Chance, calculation and life / edited by Theirry Gaudin, Marine-Christine Maurel, Jean-Charles Pomerol.
Contributor(s): Gaudin, Thierry
| Maurel, Marie-Christine
| Pomerol, Jean-Charles
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Description based upon print version of record.
Cover -- Half-Title Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Preface -- Introduction -- PART 1: Randomness in all of its Aspects -- 1 Classical, Quantum and Biological Randomness as Relative Unpredictability -- 1.1. Introduction -- 1.1.1. Brief historical overview -- 1.1.2. Preliminary remarks -- 1.2. Randomness in classical dynamics -- 1.3. Quantum randomness -- 1.4. Randomness in biology -- 1.5. Random sequences: a theory invariant approach -- 1.6. Classical and quantum randomness revisited -- 1.6.1. Classical versus algorithmic randomness
1.6.2. Quantum versus algorithmic randomness -- 1.7. Conclusion and opening: toward a proper biological randomness -- 1.8. Acknowledgments -- 1.9. References -- 2 In The Name of Chance -- 2.1. The birth of probabilities and games of chance -- 2.1.1. Solutions -- 2.1.2. To what end? -- 2.2. A very brief history of probabilities -- 2.3. Chance? What chance? -- 2.4. Prospective possibility -- 2.4.1. LLN + CLT + ENIAC = MC -- 2.4.2. Generating chance through numbers -- 2.4.3. Going back the other way -- 2.4.4. Prospective possibility as master of the world?
2.5. Appendix: Congruent generators, can prospective chance be periodic? -- 2.5.1. A little modulo n arithmetic -- 2.5.2. From erratic arithmetic to algorithmic randomness -- 2.5.3. And, the winner is... Mersenne Twister 623 -- 2.6. References -- 3 Chance in a Few Languages -- 3.1. Classical Sanskrit -- 3.2. Persian and Arabic -- 3.3. Ancient Greek -- 3.4. Russian -- 3.5. Latin -- 3.6. French -- 3.7. English -- 3.8. Dice, chance and the symbolic world -- 3.9. References -- 4 The Collective Determinism of Quantum Randomness -- 4.1. True or false chance -- 4.2. Chance sneaks into uncertainty
4.3. The world of the infinitely small -- 4.4. A more figurative example -- 4.5. Einstein's act of resistance -- 4.6. Schrödinger's cat to neutrino oscillations -- 4.7. Chance versus the anthropic principle -- 4.8. And luck in life? -- 4.9. Chance and freedom -- 5 Wave-Particle Chaos to the Stability of Living -- 5.1. Introduction -- 5.2. The chaos of the wave-particle -- 5.3. The stability of living things -- 5.4. Conclusion -- 5.5. Acknowledgments -- 5.6. References -- 6 Chance in Cosmology: Random and Turbulent Creation of Multiple Cosmos -- 6.1. Is quantum cosmology oxymoronic?
6.4. Loop lament -- 6.5. The quantum vacuum exists, Casimir has met it -- 6.6. The generosity of the quantum vacuum -- 6.7. Landscapes -- 6.8. The good works of Inflation -- 6.9. Sub species aeternitatis -- 6.10. The smiling vacuum -- 7 The Chance in Decision: When Neurons Flip a Coin -- 7.1. A very subjective utility -- 7.2. A minimum rationality -- 7.3. There is noise in the choices -- 7.4. On the volatility of parameters -- 7.5. When the brain wears rose-tinted glasses -- 7.7. The will to move an index finger -- 7.8. Free will in debate -- 7.9. The virtue of chance -- 7.10. References
8 To Have a Sense of Life: A Poetic Reconnaissance.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Wiley Frontlist Obook All English 2021
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